Why MyInnerGenius® outperforms TABE

Organizations using TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) are stuck in an outdated model—one that measures only academic proficiency, not a person’s true potential. While TABE focuses on literacy and math skills, MyInnerGenius® goes deeper, uncovering hidden abilities and matching individuals to careers they will thrive in—without unnecessary barriers.

The Key Difference: Identifying Hidden Talent, Not Just Test Scores

TABE is a basic skills test — a filter that often eliminates candidates based on academic weaknesses rather than identifying what they’re truly capable of.

TABE measures what someone knows.
MyInnerGenius reveals what someone can do.

Many talented workers struggle with standardized tests. That doesn’t mean they won’t excel in high-paying careers.

MyInnerGenius removes artificial barriers and matches people to jobs based on cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, personality traits, and mindset—factors that truly predict success.

Bottom Line: MyInnerGenius Is a Smarter Alternative to TABE

Organizations who replace outdated tools like TABE with MyInnerGenius:
✔ Place job seekers into sustainable, high-paying careers faster
✔ Increase job retention and training success rates
✔ Help employers find the talent they need—without bias

Instead of screening people out based on academic weaknesses, MyInnerGenius screens them in—matching them to careers where they can succeed and grow.

Ready to Move Beyond TABE?

Let’s empower more job seekers to thrive—not just test. Schedule a live demo today and see the MyInnerGenius advantage in action.